Getting Started in Your BVSD Online Course using Schoology:
Please review our BVSD Online Policies and Student Responsibilities. Please read these carefully, there will be a short quiz at the start of each of your courses asking you to agree to these policies. Agreeing to follow these policies is required in order to participate in any BVSD Online course.
Review Course Start and End Dates on our Course Dates and Deadlines page.
Welcome BVSD Online Student:
In order to begin your course, login to using your BVSD credentials (the same as your email login credentials).
- Once logged into BVSD’s ClassLink LaunchPad, click the Schoology button which looks like the letter “S” in a blue circle. This will take you to your Schoology homepage.
- Your course will be listed within the “Courses” tab of schoology with the title format, “Course Name and Semester: BVSD Online Term - Teacher Name”. Click on the course title to access the course.
- Please log in immediately to confirm your access to the course.
- If you cannot log in to access your course, please email us at immediately.
Don't wait to ask questions!
A team of qualified, real, live people have been put together to support you throughout your course(s). Below is a list of the people who can help you along the way:
- Teacher: You can find your teacher's contact information within your course. Your teacher can answer questions about course content, test resets, and basic course questions or issues.
- Technical Help: Visit the Trouble Shooting Technology Page for more information about technology use, helpful tips, and how to correct issues that may arise
- BVSD Online Staff: Please email if you have additional questions that could not be answered by your teacher or tech support.
Drops and Refund Requests:
- Please go to our Drop a Course or Request a Refund Page.
- If a refund is due, once processed you will receive an email confirmation of your full or partial refund.
- Please allow 10-14 business days for processing.