BVSD Online Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the BVSD Online Program?
- Who can register for the BVSD Online Program?
- How many courses can students take at a time?
- How do I know which classes I need to take?
- How do BVSD Online courses work?
- Do BVSD Online courses “count”?
- How much time will a BVSD Online course take to complete?
- Can students take two consecutive semesters of a course at the same time?
- Are there resources available to help keep students on pace through the course?
- Who teaches BVSD Online courses?
- Who can help answer questions about BVSD Online?
- How does BVSD Online know whether I've cheated or what work I have completed?
- Where can I find more information?
What is the BVSD Online Program?
- BVSD Online is a supplemental program providing students currently enrolled in BVSD the opportunity to take one to two additional courses along with their regular full-time enrollment.
- Courses provide students an opportunity to recover graduation credits, boost their GPA, or get ahead with additional courses.
- Additional information about the BVSD Online Program can be found on the BVSD Online website under “About Our Program”
Who can register for the BVSD Online Program?
- The BVSD Online Program is available to high school and middle school students who are currently enrolled in a BVSD school.
- Students must be currently enrolled in the Spring semester to be eligible to register for the summer session.
- Students must remain actively enrolled in their BVSD school through the duration of the BVSD Online Program enrollment. A student’s BVSD Online enrollment will end if/when a student withdraws from their BVSD school.
How many courses can students take at a time?
- High school students may take one or two BVSD Online courses per term. High school students should consult with their school counselor before registering for BVSD Online courses.
- Middle school students may take one course per term with counselor recommendation (only counselors may register middle school students for BVSD Online courses).
How do I know which classes I need to take?
- Contact your school counselor to discuss your academic plan.
- Check our course Information for course codes and descriptions.
How do BVSD Online courses work?
- BVSD Online courses are provided in a fully online format. Courses are self-paced (with the exception of physical education courses such as Aerobic Walking, Fitness, and Weight Training which require a weekly fitness log).
- View our video to learn more about how BVSD Online courses work.
- View Course Demonstrations on our website.
Do BVSD Online courses “count”?
- Yes! BVSD Online Program courses are recorded on the student’s BVSD cumulative academic transcript with a final letter grade and credits earned.
- Students should prioritize work in their BVSD Online coursework (as they would with any other classroom course) and should consider any BVSD Online courses as part of their academic schedule.
How much time will a BVSD Online course take to complete?
- This is a very common question asked by students and parents, but it is one that is hard to answer! This is because every student is different and therefore the amount of time each student will need to dedicate to the course to successfully complete by the end date will vary.
- As an average the following total time should be dedicated to the online course (per course). Note that these are averages and some students may be able to successfully complete a course in less time while others may want to or need to spend more time than these averages.
- Full Semester courses - between 70-80 hours.
- AP and World Language courses - between 80-100 hours.
Can students take two consecutive semesters of a course at the same time?
Yes, however it is not recommended.
A full year set of courses ("A" and "B") has 32 weeks worth of content. BVSD Online's semesters are only 15 weeks long. If a student were to try to take an "A" course and a "B" course, they will be trying to complete 32 weeks of content in just 15 weeks in a fall/spring semester, or 8 weeks in a summer semester. Because of the short length of the summer semester, students must complete the summer acknowledgment form and return prior to the start date of the course.
The registration application does allow for students to sign up for both A and B semesters for the same course. BVSD Online will reach out to those families and explain why this is not recommended, and provide a full refund if necessary.
Are there resources available to help keep students on pace through the course?
- Yes! Each course includes a pacing guide to help students “stay on track” for successful completion by the end date.
- Pacing guides are provided in the Introduction/Welcome/Orientation section of each course.
- The pacing guide is just that - a guide - which is designed to show students where they should be throughout the enrollment if they work at a steady pace.
- We strongly recommend students make regular weekly progress in their course for the best course experience and opportunity for course success. Students may work ahead of the pacing guide, or spend more time in their course “catching up” if they have fallen behind the pacing guide.
- Students can reach out to their teacher with questions or concerns about pacing.
Who teaches BVSD Online courses?
- BVSD Online courses are all taught by certified teachers.
- Courses which start with “O” on the BVSD Online Course List are taught by BVSD teachers.
- Courses that start with “OO” on the BVSD Online Course List are taught by Colorado Certified teachers (outside of BVSD) provided through vendor partners.
- Teacher information is provided to students within the Introduction/Welcome/Orientation section of the course.
- All teachers provide contact information such as email address and office phone numbers. Teachers may also be messaged through the online course messaging system.
- While students may never meet with their teacher face-to-face, students are encouraged to reach out to their teacher with any questions about their coursework or course content! Teachers are expected to return student communications in a timely manner.
- Even if the student is unable to connect with the teacher during his/her stated office hours, students can request to arrange for an alternate time to connect by phone or web conference.
Who can help answer questions about BVSD Online?
There is always someone who students can turn to with questions about their BVSD Online courses! Not knowing who to ask for help is not a valid reason for not completing work in a BVSD Online course.
- Teachers all provide contact information within the online course. Students can reach out to their teachers for any questions related to content, progress, test passwords, grades, etc. Teachers are there to help you just as classroom teachers are there to help you in your classroom. “Raising your hand” online looks like sending your teacher a message or giving them a call.
- BVSD Online Staff are also available to help students with questions that may arise. This includes help on getting started, troubleshooting log-in issues, how to work through the course, pacing questions, etc..
- Tech Support
- For questions regarding your course or Edmentum questions, please contact your teacher or
- For technology issues related to your BVSD Login, password or Schoology please contact the BVSD Helpdesk at 720.561.HELP
How does BVSD Online know whether I've cheated or what work I have completed?
Where can I find more information?
- When does registration open for the BVSD Online Program?
- How do I register?
- Why are no PE courses showing up in the registration application?
- How do I drop or change a course?
- I completed registration and paid for the course, what’s next?
When does registration open for the BVSD Online Program?
Program dates, including registration periods and deadlines are listed on the Course Dates and Deadlines page.
How do I register?
High School Students
- See available High School Courses (including rising 9th graders)
- Register here - students or parents may complete the registration using their Infinite Campus log on credentials.
Middle School Students
- See available Middle School Courses - Please contact your School Counselor to register
Additional Registration Information
Why are no PE courses showing up in the registration application?
How do I drop or change a course?
See Course Change or Drop/Refund Request page for the policy and instructions.
I completed registration and paid for the course, what’s next?
- On the first day the course students need to check their BVSD email account for instructions to begin.
- Check SPAM or JUNK folders (label "not spam" or "not junk" to stop automatic filters).
- Courses will not begin before the start date.
- Students can also visit How to Start Courses and locate the course for more information.
- How do I pay for my course?
- Why am I receiving errors while registering or paying?
- If I qualify for reduced fees, how much do I have to pay?
- How do I apply for reduced fees?
How do I pay for my course?
- Go to the How to Pay for Courses for information on course costs and a link to the Infinite Campus payment system.
- Be sure to pay for courses no later than the listed Course Dates and Deadlines.
- Unpaid courses will be automatically dropped from a student's schedule.
Why am I receiving errors while registering or paying?
If I qualify for reduced fees, how much do I have to pay?
- If your application for reduced fees has already been approved and is documented in Infinite Campus then the tuition will automatically be waived and a balance of $50 per course for the registration fee will be due.
- If you apply and qualify for reduced fees after the registration has been completed you will need to forward a copy of the reduced fee response letter to so that the tuition can be waived manually.
How do I apply for reduced fees?
- When does registration open for the BVSD Online Program?
- When do BVSD Online courses start and end?
- When are BVSD Online course grades posted?
- Can I receive an extension for my course?
- What time does my course end on the last day?
- Is it OK if I don’t work in my class for several weeks?
When does registration open for the BVSD Online Program?
Program dates, including registration periods and deadlines are listed on the Course Dates and Deadlines page.
When do BVSD Online courses start and end?
See the Course Dates and Deadlines page for the correct semester.
When are BVSD Online course grades posted?
Can I receive an extension for my course?
Per BVSD Online Policies, there are no extensions to courses beyond the end date.
What time does my course end on the last day?
Is it OK if I don’t work in my class for several weeks?
- It is possible, however, working consistently throughout the term allows you to have the best course experience and earn the highest grades while upholding the academic integrity of the course.
- If you wait until the last couple weeks to attempt your coursework, this does not allow time for your teachers to grade and provide feedback, for you to correct submission errors, or for us to resolve technical issues.
- Why am I receiving errors while registering?
- Why am I receiving errors while paying?
- What do I do if I am having problems with my BVSD email login credentials?
- Who can help me with my course?
- Where do I get help for an Edmentum Course?
- How do I get the password to my test?
- What do I do if I am receiving errors or content is not loading in my course?
- My power went down in the middle of a test, can I get it reset?
Why am I receiving errors while registering?
Why am I receiving errors while paying?
What do I do if I am having problems with my BVSD email login credentials?
Students log in or password reset:
- Go to the BVSD Single Sign on Portal and follow the prompts.
- Call 720-561-HELP for assistance.
Parents log in or password reset:
- Go to the Infinite Campus Student/Parent Portal and follow the prompts.
- Call 720-561-HELP for assistance.
Who can help me with my course?
- There is always someone who students can turn to with questions about their BVSD Online courses! When in doubt, ask!
- Visit the Contact Us page for contact information
Where do I get help for an Edmentum Course?
Review the EdOptions Academy Student/Guardian Success Zone to help you to get started successfully.
Visit Edmentum's Technical Support webpage for assistance.
How do I get the password to my test?
What do I do if I am receiving errors or content is not loading in my course?
- When pages and/or documents are not loading correctly, Flash may not be enabled. Visit Use or fix Flash audio for instructions.
- Follow these instructions to clear you cache.